Why do we accept used hearing aids and cochlear implants?
Used or unwanted hearing aids and cochlear implant speech processors and accessories in any condition are gratefully accepted as donations by the Center. Some of our donated aids and implants are often employed as teaching tools, either in demonstrations for parents and professionals, or in presentations to the public. A hearing aid that is no longer being used can make a big difference in someone else’s life – someone who could not afford a hearing aid without your donation.
Who are our donors?
• The relatives of hearing aid and cochlear implant users who have passed away
• People who have purchased new aids and do not feel the need to keep the old ones
• People who have received cochlear implants and therefore do not need the aid(s) anymore
What are the tax benefits?
Your hearing aid donation is tax deductible as allowed by law. However, the Center will not evaluate the value of the hearing aid(s). We will provide you with a receipt but, in order to determine the value of your donation, you will need to contact the manufacturer of your hearing aid.
Where to mail them or drop them off?
Please fill out the Hearing Aid Donation Form and drop the hearing aids and/or cochlear implant speech processors or accessories at our Center during business hours or package and mail the form with your donation to:
Audiology Clinic Practice Manager
Bristol Regional Speech and Hearing Center
359 Commonwealth Ave.
Bristol, VA 24201